Thoughts worth thinking for people who want to follow Jesus wherever He leads.


Abigail Follows is the author of Hidden Song of the Himalayas: Memoir of a Gospel Seed Sower in the Mountains of India. She is a monthly contributor on A Life Overseas, and her writing has been featured in Velvet Ashes and Guide magazine.

Abigail writes this newsletter, Whatsoever Thoughts, to explore Philippians 4:8-worthy topics through creative interaction with a monthly theme. You can expect to see essays, audio or visual art, photography, and true stories (of the adventurous, vulnerable, faith-building variety). There might even be a little music.

Abigail has been an overseas missionary since 2010, and now lives Wherever God Leads with her husband, two kids, and cat, Protagonist.

A Note From Abby

Hi! I’m so excited to share a few “Whatsoever Thoughts” with you.

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report—if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8

Together let’s explore the world with an eye for God’s transforming work, since He’s the one who turns our difficult stories into thoughts worth thinking about. We’ll be looking especially at:

-       hope and meaning in the face of suffering

-       unstoppable searching for truth in times of doubt

-       growing in personal relationship with Jesus

-       growing in authentic, powerful witness

-       missions in today’s world

-       leading Christian families and communities

-       what following God looks like in other cultures or multi-cultural environments

-       behind-the-scenes info on my writing projects

-       tips for writing true stories that read like fiction

I plan to send something most Wednesdays.

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You can find out more about me and my writing at Or you can check out my book about my first seven years as a missionary in India.

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Weekly creative interactions on a quarterly theme, to inspire thoughts worth thinking for people who want to follow Jesus wherever He leads.


Gospel seed sower. World traveler. Mom and wife in adventurous family. Teller of true stories.