How can we cultivate the headspace and heartspace to share our faith in a world where there so much is against us? Popular opinion, our own flaws, entire governments… not necessarily in that order…
I don’t have answers. Mainly I have questions.
But maybe, if we take the time to ask our questions, we’ll find the clarity we need to move forward.
I join the Psalmist in his longing to honestly know his own heart, to have his true heart revealed to him by God:
“Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Psalm 139:23-24
Today I’m searching my heart, and I want to invite you to join me. Let’s spend a few quiet moments with God to let Him show us where we’re at, and where He longs to take us.
The Questions
The following questions could be used for a group or two-person discussion, or as journaling prompts or prayer topics. You could answer all of them, or just pick one or two that speak to you. They are also available as a download right here:
.Questions for Reflection on Authentic Witness
What does the gospel mean to you?
What obstacles come to mind when you consider sharing your faith with someone?
If you had satisfactory answers from God for your deepest spiritual questions, how would that change how it feels to share your faith?
What are those deep spiritual questions?
What’s one step you could take to find answers from God?
If you had a miracle magnifying glass and could see into people’s hearts, how would you share your faith? What would you say? What would you do? Does that look different from how you share your faith now?
When you put yourself in the shoes of the people with whom you want to share your faith, how does the gospel look to you? What’s the best way it could possibly be taken? What’s the worst way it could be misunderstood?
How would you explain the gospel if all of your inhibitions were gone? What would you say? If you’re not sure, what could you do about that?
If God promised to remove three obstacles to witnessing, what would you ask Him to do?
If you think about the word “witness,” what comes up for you? What if you take it out of the spiritual context? What does it mean now? How might that change the way you approach witnessing?
What if there were a way to witness that felt authentic for your personality and strengths? For your level of social energy, your friendship style, your gifting? What would that witnessing method or style look like?
What do you sense the Holy Spirit calling you to do now?
Benediction for Seed Sowers
May the Lord bless you with His deep, powerful mercy and grace—for yourself and those around you.
May the Lord go before you to prepare the hearts of those you love. May He walk beside you to whisper meaningful words in your ear. May He go behind you, to protect you, that you might walk in peace.
May the Lord give you ears to hear the Holy Spirit, that you might know when to listen and when to speak. May He give His own heart of mercy, His attitude of humbleness, and His words of authority and power.
May the Lord guide the gospel seeds you throw. May He strengthen your hand to cast them far and wide. May He send rain and sunshine in just the right amounts to grow His kingdom of love all around you.
And may He do all this in such a way that you will know it was Him all along.